Affiliated Court Reporters
Affiliated Court Reporters is a full-service firm, providing the highest quality in all aspects of court reporting. Both our vast experience and our Minnesota heritage set us apart. Our dedicated reporters use cutting-edge technologies to ensure that the most relevant and up-to-the-minute information is available to you. Affiliated frees you to focus on your case and your client.
We can provide conference rooms across the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area, including convenient locations near MSP International Airport. Affiliated’s team are experts in remote depositions. Wherever you need professional and accurate court reporting, we can be there.
We work harder to make your job easier.
Medical Malpractice
Patent Law
Pharmaceutical Law
Class Actions
Workmen’s Compensation
Employment Law
Family Law

Video Conferencing Experts
Save time, reduce expenses, and minimize risks with our remote deposition services. Our experienced reporters can help you and your clients use phones, tablets, or computers to communicate face-to-face in real time.